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[E] gmango0028
[E] gmango0028
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Oh thank you thank you thank you! How long am I sentenced to in jail?
over 13 years ago
1st that Lava was in an unlocked chest and I thought it was for free takes, and if it was a problem I will return it. And I do not recall being mean to people with comments.
over 13 years ago
So, I just logged on to Minetown and got this message: "griefing and trolling donkeykong". Ok, so heres what happened. I found this event and I completed it. It said that I completed part 1/7. So I said in the chat "Yay I beat part 1/7 of the jungle thing!". So it led me to a warp to part 2/7. So I started doing it and donkeykong came and said "This is my event its not done please leave blah blah blah and that stuff." Stupidly, I said no and I wanted to help and that I would tell everyone how to get to the event, which was wrong and I shouldn't of done that. I feel very bad and I feel that I should have at least gotten a warning before I got banned. And for griefing, I just accidentally destroyed one snow block of the outside of an igloo and destroyed two snow blocks to get out of a hole, which i fell in and was stuck. So I wasn't really griefing. And after all of that he trapped me so I couldn't get out so I couldn't do the event anymore, so I gave up and left. So yes I did something wrong (the blackmailing part) but I find it unfair that I didn't even get a warning and that was my first bad thing on this server. I don't think I deserved to get banned. So please, admin, mod, or whoever is reading this, please, please, please accept my ban appeal and un-ban me. Thank you for reading this. -gmango0028 (thats also my in-game name; not just my minetown.net username) P.S. Also I wrote this really cool and long speech so hey-I get at least some props for that, am I right?
over 13 years ago